This light and bright home at 2530 Raymell Drive has a family friendly floor plan featuring large family room with vaulted ceilings. You will enjoy the open concept living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen. The spacious fully fenced rear yard has a covered patio. There is a two-car garage and extra parking that could accommodate an RV. Right around the corner is a similar home priced at $514,000 with a sale pending. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own a Serra Mesa home in the convenient neighborhood.

Author: Kim Ward
Kim has been actively involved with real estate for 17 years. As far back as 1989, Kim and her husband, Dave, began purchasing and renovating residential property. They did this while working full time and raising four children. From these experiences Kim learned valuable critical thinking skills, successful multi-tasking, and how to nurture relationships. Their children have grown into independent, well-adjusted young adults, so those skills seem to have paid off.